Sonatest Ltd offer a range of Automated Ultrasonic Inspection Systems and accessories that are designed and built in-house and have evolved through development to individual customer needs, mainly in the Aerospace and Composite Testing application areas.
Through the Rapidscan Series, WheelProbes and range of Sensors Sonatest can offer the end user powerful C-Scan Inspection systems through to the capability of scanning 3-dimensional structures quickly and accurately. |
1. Sonatest – Rapidscan Series |
Rapidscan 2 Overview
The system includes a 128-channel multiplexing pulser/receiver module; state of-the-art data capture electronics and a standard PC laptop, housed in a low-profile rugged plastic enclosure. The instrument operates through a user-friendly Windows based interface.
Powerful gating and evaluation tools ensure that the ultrasonic signals can be analysed and interpreted to the fullest extent. RapidScan 2 operates in pulse-echo mode suitable for inspecting medium to large areas. The high resolution C-scans show time of flight and amplitude data, simultaneously displaying both A and B-scans live.
RapidScan 2 has been successfully employed for inspecting a range of materials and structures. A simple parallel may be drawn to conventional A-scan inspections; if a part can be inspected with a ¼”, single element transducer then it can often be inspected using RapidScan 2. Exceptions to this rule are compound curves, complex geometry and parts with restricted access.
2. Sonatest – WheelProbe
The Sonatest patented WheelProbe range has evolved from the core range of Array WheelProbes, which developed as a result of research and development in consultancy with partners in the Aerospace market, to now include models which have been adapted and designed for application specific testing requirements. Unique to Sonatest the Corrosion WheelProbe, Radius WheelProbe and the Array WheelProbes are popular within the Aerospace, Composite and Corrosion testing markets and are also compatible with other suppliers flaw detection equipment, as well the range available from Sonatest
a. Corrosion WheelProbe Overview
Developed for pipe, pipeline and vessel testing the evolutionary ergonomic design of the Corrosion WheelProbe enables constant and even pressure to be applied in the testing environment, thanks to the conformable WheelProbe tyre, resulting in consistent and repeatable amplitude response.
Excellent coupling is achievable, even on rough corroded surfaces, thanks to the conformable water filled tyre. Fine water misting is all that is required for coupling, no mechanical pumping of water is necessary. Encoded 50mm wide strip scan, B or C Scan, amplitude of Time of Flight (depth) - dependent on the host instrument or reporting software. The inspection width of 50mm provides greater detection capability.
Designed specifically with Circumferential Scanning in mind the minimum diameter that can be accommodated is 4 inches/10 cms. Adjusting the inspection angle of the Corrosion WheelProbe is very quick and can simply be done in situ using the lever and guide on the side of the WheelProbe.
Scanning along the length of a pipe or cylinder is also easily performed, again the minimum diameter for this application is 4 inches/10 cms. An enhancement to the construction of the Corrosion WheelProbe is the front roller accessory which has been developed specifically for Longitudinal scanning. On pipe diameters of less than 24 inches/60 cm, this accessory improves stability by supporting the WheelProbe tyre, allowing you to obtain the best results from the WheelProbe over a greater range of pipe diameters |
b. Array WheelProbe Overview
Sonatest WheelProbes are ideally suited to hand scanning of large flat or slightly curved parts, covering large areas quickly and efficiently. A central spring loaded roller ensures consistent coupling pressure.
The 50mm Array WheelProbe incorporates a 64 element phased array with 0.8mm resolution, and a high resolution position encoder, resulting in high quality, high resolution data capture.
For applications where very larger area coverage is required, the 100mm Array WheelProbe is the preferred choice. Due to the larger size it is best suited to flat horizontal components, but will scan curved parts too with a simple adjustment of the array angle. Employing a larger, wider tyre excellent coupling and data quality is achieved. The 100m Array WheelProbe has a 128 element phased array.
c. Radius WheelProbe Overview
The conformable water filled tyre allows reliable coupling even over small surface irregularities, blended repairs and low profiles fasteners. Fine water misting is all that is required for coupling, no mechanical pumping of water is necessary.
The WheelProbe can provide an encoded strip B or C-Scan, amplitude or Time of Flight (depth) - dependent on the host instrument or reporting software. The inspection width of 50 mm in a single pass provides greater detection capability.
Suitable for use with any portable Phased Array System; including the Olympus Omniscan range, AGR Handyscan and products from the M2M range. |
3. Sonatest – Automated UT Probes
These Ultrasonic Sensors and Transducers have been developed in consultancy with leading Aerospace companies in response to the testing and NDT requirements they face. The Sensors listed within the Automated UT section are compatible with the Rapidscan Series. Many of them are now used in other industries where composite testing is required or large area testing is needed, often in Marine industries.
Bubbler Probes
Designed for difficult to access areas such as webs, T-Sections and curved components.
Radius Probe
Developed to scan Radii, which are common in composite structures.
Stringer Inspection Probe
Developed in Consultation with Aerospace manufactures for scanning long stringer components.
4. Sonatest – Wheel Probe 2 Corrosion Inspection (New)
Continuing the proven success of Sonatest’s WheelProbe range, the new WheelProbe 2 is proving to be unrivalled in the field of composite inspection and corrosion monitoring in terms of speed and ease of use, in addition to achieving excellent results. Typical applications include Corrosion Mapping, Marine Inspection, Aerospace Fuselage, Aerospace Large Area scanning and automotive testing.
Composite Inspection
WP2 presents the most efficient solution for scanning large areas of composite. As the best alternative to immersion inspection the WP2 offers an impressive 1mm near surface resolution in the latest composite materials using 5MHz array. Available also with 10MHz, 3.5MHz and a 2MHz version, the WP2 tyre tightly matches the acoustic impedance of water and like its predecessor, produces UT signals of exceptional quality. The configurable handles, adjustable laser guidance, unique LED’s for alarm feedback, remote control with start/stop indexing and reset buttons as well as the remote display makes this package unique, superior and still unequalled.
5. Sonatest – Large Low Frequency Wheel Probe (New)
Developed and designed for the inspection of thick, attenuated composite materials up to 70mm thick, such as glass reinforced plastic, this model is ideal for composites structures across industrial engineering sectors including the marine and aerospace sectors; and was initially developed for wind and tidal energy turbine blade inspection applications.
This large format array system is designed to use a minimal amount of couplant and is adjustable for concave and convex surfaces. The patented polymer wheel minimises internal reflections whilst maximising resolution and with a scan width of 85mm and a lightweight construction this new model is ideal for manual large surface area scanning. This large format WheelProbe is adjustable for concave and convex positioning and can be used with a
variety of phased array inspection equipment and is compatible with the
Sonatest Veo, Prisma and Rapidscan. |